Choosing the right pot for your basil might seem trivial but it is actually one of the most important decisions you have to make when growing basil since it has a significant impact on how well it...
Category: Basil – Growing Tips and Help
Can Basil Plants Survive Winter and Frost? Gardener Explains
Basil plants thrive when they can get a lot of sunlight and stay in high temperatures, but what happens to them in the winter? Can they survive cold winters and even frost? The answer is not that...
Harvesting seeds from basil is really easy and something I often do since it is an easy way to grow a lot more basil for free. Before you start harvesting your seeds, though, it is crucial that...
If your basil plant isn't growing or the seeds aren't even germinating, there is a high chance that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. There are several potential reasons why you are having...
Basil plants need sunlight and warm weather to thrive and be productive, so when it starts to get darker and colder at the end of the season, you need to know what to do. What you should do with...
Basil is one of the most well-known and loved herbs to grow at home. It is a beginner-friendly herb that can help you learn some useful gardening techniques, but it is also a favorite among...